From Design to Delivery

From design to delivery, Global Engagement provides a comprehensive service to support the development of an itinerary and logistics that will save Faculty time. 

Our extensive range of subject areas are developed to be delivered within an experiential environment as field studies and industry site visits, local research, and innovation center visits and as workplace presentations. They are combined with service learning assignments, farm stays, Māori cultural engagement and our very popular adventure tourism experiences for the thrill seekers.

Tours can travel throughout the country, at any time of the year and for any length. 

From 2025 Global Engagement introduces inbound open registration tours to New Zealand for students and faculty to join. These flagship programs  are in Agriculture Science (2025) and Environmental Sciences (2026). 

Our study tours

Environmental Studies
Sustainable Landscapes
Comparative Indigenous Legal Systems
Astronomy, Dark Skies of the Southern Hemisphere
Cultural Anthropology
Marine Biology
Global Viewpoints
Film Studies
Indigenous Studies
Creating Tomorrow’s Global Leaders
Innovation in Business
Supply Chains
Teacher Professional Development
Global Citizenship
Political Studies/Systems

and many more

The Process

Number one

Discuss curriculum

Discuss your curriculum, teaching and learning outcomes wish list with us. We’ll get you to provide us with logistical details of dates, numbers, preferred housing and meal options.

Number two


We design and develop a program to meet the expected outcomes.

Number three


You will review the proposed program.

Number four


The program is costed, and fee options are presented.

Number five


The proposed program is finalized. Agreements and contracts are presented with the fee payment schedule. Arrangements for the program will start once the deposit is received.

Challenging minds, changing lives.

Before Arrival

Global Engagement will design and develop a comprehensive program comprising all aspects of the following:

Number one


Arrange housing and meals, transport (dedicated coach and driver) and airport transfers.

Number two


Arrange lectures, visits, field trips, site visits and service-learning days. Engage accompanying teaching experts or guest professors to travel with the group.

Number three

Health & safety

Present waiver documentation, risk management plan and assess health and safety issues.

Number four


Provide advice and guidance to faculty, participate in online pre-departure briefings and provide Pre-Departure Guides describing housing, meals, flights and visas, packing list and some guidance about expectations.

Number five

Program and Itinerary Handbook

Present a final detailed itinerary with times, presenter profiles, visit descriptors, housing locations and room share schedules, meal inclusions and flights.

During a tour

Number one

Accompanying support, a special feature of our tours

Global Engagement can provide logistical support to Faculty with an accompanying GE representative who has local knowledge and will capably manage logistics. They will commence a tour or remain for the entire program, subject to the needs of faculty. Support will include:

  • 24/7 support and emergency care and troubleshooting
  • adding quirky extra ideas and visits during a tour based on the group’s personalities and attributes (sports games, concerts, activities, morning yoga and walks)
  • communicating daily with faculty about arrangements.

Number two

Cultural engagement

Global Engagement, with its strong association with many local Māori leaders, elders and community specialists, will include various Māori cultural immersion experiences, including:

  • a welcome with a traditional Powhiri on a marae
  • lectures on the history, culture and customs of the Māori people
  • Noho immersion experiences on local marae throughout New Zealand with overnight learning from and interacting with elders and the local Māori community
  • Visits to local villages and marae throughout Aotearoa New Zealand

Number three

Authentic Kiwi experiences

As a team of genuine locals, we will often provide some unique experiences off the beaten track, such as

  • hospitality in our homes, where groups will enjoy a BBQ or farm stay experiences
  • special meetings or talks with local Members of Parliament
  • adventure tourism experiences, including whale watching, swimming with dolphins, visiting Hobbiton, hiking, rafting, kayaking, bungy jumping, sailing, and island hopping

After the program

Global Engagement will debrief and evaluate the program to add value and will:

  • keep in touch with you and hope that one day you will return
  • welcome enquires from student participants and faculty for semester abroad, internship or volunteering opportunities
Pleased to be associated with