Challenging minds,
changing lives.

We design and host faculty-led and customized study tours to Aotearoa New Zealand for university and college student groups.

Kia ora koutou

Are you and your students ready to experience something different in one of the world’s top travel destinations?

A Global Engagement experience is about them stepping out of their comfort zone and broadening their knowledge through our faculty-led and customized study abroad tours.

With Aotearoa New Zealand, where every trip is a journey of possibilities, they’ll be immersed in knowledge, culture and inspiration. Our award-winning programs are developed by experienced educationalists and study abroad specialists. We design, develop, arrange and host faculty-led group tours that are authentic Kiwi experiences within an experiential environment. 

Read about our new open faculty and student agricultural tour in June 2025.

Our most popular tours


Agribusiness, animal science, cropping, viticulture, dairy, beef and sheep, horticulture, plant science.


Marine biology, terrestrial ecology, policy and planning, conservation, earth and ecological sciences, water.

Sustainable Landscapes

United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, (USDGs), Sustainable  EcoSystems,  Environmental Sustainability.

Indigenous studies

Māori engagement and understanding, full Noho  immersion experiences, youth empowerment, storytelling and comparative legal systems.

"Hui te ao. Hui te ora."
As the world comes together, a better one emerges.

Why Aotearoa New Zealand?

A small island nation located in the Pacific Ocean, New Zealand is famous for its breathtaking scenery, indigenous Māori culture and adrenaline-pumping adventure activities.

New Zealand is a country so diverse and so beautiful that there’s no wonder why it plants itself on the top of many travellers’ to-do lists. There’s a little something for everyone, from the great walks to the mountains, the hot springs to the hobbits and the beaches to the lakes.

If you’re considering Middle Earth (aka New Zealand) as your next study tour destination, it may be a long way from home, but there are few places in the world you can compare with what you will see here.

Totally authentic tours designed and hosted by born and bred Kiwis

“Jan and her team were amazing from start to finish. IGENZ created a rigorous and immersive program that allowed our group to compare the indigenous cultures from Canada and NZ and we found incredible similarities”.

Indigenous Studies, a story of empowerment
Sherilyn Acorn, Study Abroad Director, University of Prince Edward Island, Canada. May 2024

“IGENZ really gets it… they understand both education and travel. Jan and the team understood and supported our educational objectives from beginning to end. They also managed logistical details with such skill that the travel seemed effortless. IGENZ truly believes in students, and their enthusiasm shows.”

Agricultural Sciences
Prof David Lust, West Texas A&M University, annual tours since 2018
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